LIVE: Rapid Build Housing Development, Milltown

Background Information


In November 2020, Thermohouse commenced construction of a 54-unit Social Housing Development at Ard Na Greine, Milltown, County Kerry. This development is in partnership with Clúid Housing Agency.

Clúid is a provider of high-quality affordable housing and is the largest housing agency in Ireland.

The 54 unit houses will provide high quality social housing to families and single people on Kerry County Council’s housing list.


The Thermohouse Solution


Thermohouse was chosen for this development based on a rigorous selection criteria based on the following:


  • Substantially reduced building time – up to 60%
  • Superior structural strength – 60-year guarantee
  • Superior sound proofing
  • Reduced requirement for labour, tools and equipment
  • Excellent airtightness – values as low as 0.4 m3/hr/m2


Combined with an affordable rent, these super energy efficient houses will also help to combat fuel poverty among tenants.

Key Points
Location: Milltown, Co.Kerry
Building Type: 54 Unit Residential Development
Average House Size:  1345 ft2
System Components: thermowall thermoboard thermoroof thermofloor